What Is a Digital Asset Record (DAR)?
A Digital Asset Record (DAR) is a file in physical and/or digital form that outlines access links and logins for Internet assets, accounts, and services. This may include:
- Domain name registration account
- Hosting provider and account information
- Server login (hosting control panel, FTP, etc.)
- Website login (if using a CMS)
- List Serv credentials
- Facebook page and other Social Media accounts (and list of admins in case of Facebook)
- Google account (email, calendar(s), cloud file storage)
Why Do You Need One?
One word: CURB (“Contingency Upon Retirement or Bereavement”)
It is often difficult, or nearly impossible, to find the actions or information necessary to recover control of a web site or other digital asset in the event a webmaster or other person is unable to fulfill their duties for any reason. The best way is for more than one person to have access or the ability to gain access in the course of an emergency or necessary continuation of control. This can be ensured by registering these assets with the
Masonic Digital Trust.
Such circumstances in which CURB Protocol would be used include:
- Change in Personnel
- Unexpected Death
- Relocation / Lost Contact
- Non-responsiveness
- Sabotage or Asset Hostage
- Alien Abduction
Who Has Access?
We only share access of records of a respective lodge or body with:
- The presiding officer
- Someone confirmed to be appointed by a presiding officer
- The presiding officer of the grand body from which a lodge or body has received charter or dispensation, including one appointed by such
- In the case of a district or region of a grand body, that would be those who are officially appointed representative of that respective district or region
NOTE: The practices of access are not a legal contract, and will be refined as we further develop these services.